So my human mom was recently using the Marie Kondo method from “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” to go through her clothes. She picks up each item and asks herself “Does this spark joy?” If it does, you keep it. If it does not, you thank the item and let it go.

So I decided to try this. I touched my bone and guess what!? It does spark (bark) joy!
What a busy day! I had to go around and touch all of my treats and toys to see if they sparked joy. And they all did! Everything stays (except the bone that I thanked as I was chewing on it).
I was pretty tired, as you can see in the picture above. I have a lot of toys and I like to hide bones in my dog beds, in corners, and under the big bed Mom and Dad sleep in. Just finding them, then touching them my nose and asking “Does this sp(b)ark joy for me?” – it will wear you out.

Then Mom has a special way of folding her clothes. It takes a bit of time, but it really is great for finding things easily, like my towels and blankets.
At the end of the day, Mom hugged both Dad and me. She said that we sparked the most joy for her of anything!