Colorado Summer Adventures
I had some great camping trips this summer, including Rocky Mountain National Park and Chatfield State Park.
Because it was the rainiest June on record, some picnic areas around Chatfield were flooded over 9 feet high. I was able to kayak in them. Not a bad way to spend a hot summer day.

We also went to Rocky Mountain National Park. Wow, there are a lot of high-altitude areas we drove through, over 12,000 ft. above sea level into a tundra! There were a lot of elk, but I wasn’t allowed to herd them, bummer. We even saw a moose! A nice park ranger told me that moose will charge dogs since they think we’re coyote. Huh! I never thought I’d have to worry about being mistaken for a coyote.

I did a little hiking at the Alluvial Fan Falls.

And may have found some water along the way…

Thanks for stopping by! Remember, rest is important between all of the adventuring.